Предложенные изменения правил (Москва 2010)
сначала новые / сначала старые / по рейтингуИграем в СВОЕЙ тусовке на свежем клею, свингбэком и Суперблоком. Резинами под свежий клей - Тенерджи редко заходят))) Так что враг у ворот - но наша хата пока с краю. Пока продают классику и каучук-цемент.))) А также запрещенные шипы по смешной цене...
Враг - не у порога. Он уже внутри, в твоем клубе - в настольный теннис играет по шарариным правилам. :)
Блин - я же кучу постов в свое время написал аналогичных. Проснулись, козлики профессиональные. Запреты есть - а бапок новых не появилось. Восстали...))) Я же в Открытом письме призывал - ДО начала идиотизма. Как СССР Польшу, Грейт Британ и Францию в 38-39м... А щас уже враг у порога.)))
Теперь кратко перевожу (в стиле Гоблина): 5) если вы, падлы, опять будете что-то запрещать и менять в инвентаре, то дайте 4 года на привыкание, а то заколебали уже все время что-то запрещать и менять с резинами и ракетками и мячами... (у китайцев тоже терпение кончилось) 7) кидать мячик вверх под углом не более 45 градусов! а то судьям надоело вертикальность требовать. 11) если мячик нечаянно поимел двойное касание (палец-ракетка, например), то не считать это ошибкой. Судить такие вещи крайне трудно, и в других ракетных видах спорта (теннис и бадминтон) это давно уже исправили. 14) зачем я это вообще вставил сюда? это не очень интересная формальная поправка к введению правила 13-ти ударов 23-24) давайте начнем за бустеры наказывать круто! а то подумаешь с матча сняли. Будем бить рублем и ваапче запрещать в НТ играть 38) компьютеризировать видео-проверку касания стола и тому подобных тонкостей 39 ) верните, гады, стекло! (крик души от шведов). Да и вообще вы ребята заколебали своими нелогичными и вредными запретами (намек на это явно имеется)
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На ЧМ 2010 будет заседание ассамблеи ИТТФ и совет директоров. Как и положено, будут обсуждать предложения по изменению правил НТ. Вот тут полный документ http://www.ittf.com/world_events/PDF/AGM%20and%20BoD%20for%20print.pdf Я сделал из него вырезку - предложения по изменению правил. Те что касаются только всяких ИТТФ соревнований высокого уровня, наркоконтроля, кому разрешено советы давать и другое всякое слишком высокое - я вырезал. Здесь привожу только самые пенки: 5) Proposed by the Chinese TT Association To add a new Constitution Law 1.20.6 1.20.6 Any amendment regarding equipment and racket control regulations should be scientifically analyzed and discussed by the ITTF together with its member associations and the representatives of equipment suppliers and players. These amendments should be finally approved by the ITTF BOD meeting or AGM before being implemented. After the final approval, unless an important incident happens, the new regulations regarding equipment and racket control should be kept stable in at least 4 years before being amended again. Explanation: - The change of equipment and racket control regulations will directly affect the performance of players. In order to protect the players, and at the same time make the racket control policy more transparent and stable, the regulation concerning equipments should be studied scientifically and finally approved by the BOD or AGM meeting. Currently, the racket control regulations are decided by the Equipment Committee and announced through the Technical Leaflet, which is not transparent enough and could easily get neglected. - If the equipment and racket control regulations are approved by the BOD or AGM meeting, they will be comparatively stable, and that will help the ITTF member associations to implement the regulations more thoroughly. The stability in the regulations will help the member associations to avoid wasting money in purchasing expensive testing equipments. 7) Proposed by the Rules Committee To modify 2.6.2 2.6.2 The server shall then project the ball near vertically within an angle of 45° upwards, without imparting spin, so that it rises at least 16cm after leaving the palm of the free hand and then falls without touching anything before being struck. Rationale: By this change the law should become more practical and easier to judge by match officials, without affecting any principal intention of the service rule. 11) Proposed by the Umpires & Referees Committee To modify paragraph if an opponent strikes the ball twice successively; in succession. However an inadvertent double touch of a ball during one continuous stroke at the ball shall not be a fault. Rationale: Under current rules, - if the player touches the ball with the hand and the racket together it is not a fault; - If the ball first touches the hand and then the racket it should be a fault. - if a player strikes the ball with the racket hand or by the racket edge is not a fault. In 99% of the situations the observation if the double touch was successively or not is impossible. In most of the situations the player who makes a double touch gives the point to the opponent: the umpire just has to acknowledge it agreeing that he did not see. This is to accept a double touch just as we accept playing with the racket hand. A double hit made by purpose or achieved by 2 clearly separated actions (and not in one straight move) shall be a fault so that intentional double hits will not be tolerated. This is in line with interpretation of double hit by other racket sports: Tennis: ―If the player has one continuous stroke at the ball‖ - there is no fault. Badminton: ―A stroke is a forward movement of the player’s racket‖ and ―It shall be a fault if in play the shuttle is hit twice in succession by the same player. However a shuttle hitting the head and the stringed area of the racket in one stroke shall not be a fault.‖ 14) Proposed by the Umpires & Referees Committee To modify 2.15 2.15.1 Except where both players or pairs have scored If at least 9 points 18 points have been scored during a game, the expedite system shall come into operation at any earlier time if a game is unfinished after 10 minutes or at any earlier time or scores at the request of both players or pairs or if a game is unfinished after 10 minutes' play. [No change] If the ball is not in play when the expedite system comes into operation, time limit is reached, play shall resume with service by the player who received in the immediately preceding rally. The order of serving and receiving in the match shall be in accordance with Law 2.13.6 2.15.2 Thereafter Once the expedite system is in operation, each player shall serve for 1 point in turn, until the end of the game and if the receiving player or pair makes 13 returns in a rally the receiver shall score a point. 2.15.3 [No change] Rationale: The idea was always not to introduce the expedite system once 9-9 or 8-10 is reached: there should be no delay of play at such crucial moment of a game. The last part of the current paragraph 2.15.1 refers only to the time and not to the score: we shall refer to both the earlier time and earlier scores as the intent of the rule. (proposed) reminds that the order of first server / receiver in a game is maintained during the match. As the expedite system can come into operation because of time or because of the request of both players, the text under 2.15.2 shall reflect both possibilities. The changes in 2.15.2 are due to the addition of and to a useful clarification where and when 13 returns are made. 23) Proposed by the Executive Committee To add Following 4 accumulated failures on any aspect of racket testing over 4 calendar years, a player shall be suspended for 12 months. Rationale: To provide for sanctions for racket testing infringements. 24) Proposed by the Executive Committee To add If a player is disqualified from a match, event or competition for any reason, he shall automatically forfeit any title, medal, prize money or ranking points. Rationale: To provide for sanctions in line with the Anti-Doping Code. 38) Proposed by the Hong Kong TT Association To implement the "Eagles Eye" monitoring system in of some important matches & events, such as the Olympic Games and World Title events. The Jury will make final judgment according to the Eagles Eye's record while having arguments. Rationale: The "Hawk-Eye / Eagle Eye" is now part of the adjudication process for the sports of Tennis and Cricket. When there is any argument about the play, the system could replay the video records, and help the Umpire to make the final judgment. The aim for installing such a system is to reduce the possibility of faulty judgment and heated contentions during critical points in the play, and to ensure that the games are played under the highest degree of fairness. 39) Proposed by the Swedish TT Association To rescind the ban of pimples without friction by deleting the first sentence of item 1.4.4 of Technical Leaflet T4: 1.4.4. Friction for pimples – out: The minimum friction level is 25 μN. Rationale: The decision to ban the pimples without friction has led to a lot of problems in table tennis without gaining any positive effect. The use of frictionless pimples created a new playing style where defence close to the table was made possible. To ban the frictionless pimples instead of learning how to play against them seems to be the easiest way to meet something new and it definitely stops development. The development of new technique/rubbers/blades from time to time gives life to table tennis and creates interest. Here are some of the problems which the ban has created: - The friction limit is not possible to control in an objective way. Arbitrariness rules. - The ban has caused conflicts between players and between players and officials. - The ban has led to widespread cheating against the new rules. Players bring down friction with different methods and the players who do not, have lost the joy in playing or even stopped entirely to play. - The ban has led to big problems for players, sellers and producers when rubber sheets repeatedly have been banned with very short notice and without explanation.